Saturday 8 December 2012

Christmas comes and I hide

For as long as I can remember, Christmas has been one of my all-time favourite seasons.  What's not to love?  Pretty sparkling lights, cookies and goodies, time with friends and family, shopping, smiles,  carols you grew up knowing, memories, wonder in the eyes of my kids.  It's a the highlight of the Christian calendar.
Emmanuel!  God with us!!
The bright shining star, the angels, the shepherds, the humble birth of a saviour...

It's a time of year that has always encouraged me to follow the traditions taught to me by my grandparents and has always left me with a warm glow - almost like I could feel them around me.
It's a time of year when I normally am excited by the hustle and the bustle.  I usually love to spend hours baking for the enjoyment of my family.  I usually bask in the glory of spending time to wrap the presents just so and search for hours for that one elusive, perfect present for that special someone.  I would anticipate the look on their faces as they unwrapped it and just savour the... flavour.
Does that make sense?
I love to just savour the spirit of the season.

So what's up this year?

I have no rhythm.  I have no rhyme.  I'm clueless.  I'm tempted to just hide and eat Shreddies on Christmas Eve.  I bought Christmas cookies for the first time at a craft fair and I feel done.
Kinda' like, "Meh... Good enough."
Problem is, I've never before said, "Meh..."
Barely half my decorations have been put on display, most of them by my children or husband.  I've only just began listening to my collection of Christmas CDs.
I just can't find it...  The Spirit...
Like the song, "Where Are You Christmas?"
It's painfully elusive this year.

Emmanuel, yes.  God IS here.
That I know.  That I believe with all my heart.
Leaves me pondering a question...
Where am I?

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