Sunday 12 July 2015

My Brother

I have a brother. 

Thirty-six years ago, those words would have begun processing in my 2yr old brain.
Undoubtably, there would have no comprehension of the impact those words would bring to my life…

The story goes that my first encounter with my little brother was less than a fairy tale beginning to our relationship. Sources claim that I was not impressed with his chubby, crying presence and that I was even less impressed with his intrusion into MY Mommy’s arms. The story goes that Mom’s heart broke a little as I refused to go to her and instead turned to my Grandma’s lap for snuggles. Lots of drama for one little toddler - how could I have known how that little bundle of noise and poop would soon build a permanent home in my life and in my heart?

How could I have known:
This is ok, right?
  • that he would be my first and deepest experience of love extended and the desire to protect someone who could do nothing for me in return?
  • that he would teach me about acceptance and teamwork as we became partners in our adventures around the farm?
  • that, as I peered through fearful eyes and watched him move through the world with such fearless ease, that I would be the one feeling led and taught by him?
  • that he would introduce me to the existence of disagreements and arguments and the feeling of rejection?
  • that he would teach about me empathy and compassion as I witnessed (and all too often inflicted) pain in his life?
  • that he would grow to become the most incredible example of courage and strength I would ever know?
  • that so much of what I now know about myself and about the foundations I rest upon in this world have come by following his example?
  • that the knowledge that he is in the world brings a smile to my face every single day?

I have a brother.
How can you say that and not smile?

Happy birthday :)
Lots of love,
Your sister.

P.S. Mom, it’s ok. I forgave you long ago for bringing the little creature into our perfect lives.
Who knew that that creature would turn out to be the greatest gift?